Tuesday 8 August 2017

A desire to learn

Everyday I am so thankful to the Lord for bringing me to India and surrounding me with such loving people. It is a real privilege to be apart of these children's lives and to share God's Word with them daily. However teaching His Word is only one part of the work here, the other is being a Christ-like example to the children and showing them first-hand what it means to follow Christ.

Soccer with the boys after school
Soccer with the boys after school
The evening bible studies at the children's home continue to be an encouraging time for all. We have started to go through to book of 1 Kings, looking at the life of King Solomon, King Asa, and now Elijah. I am constantly amazed at how so many of the children have such a keen interest in God's Word and a real desire to learn from it. I too am being encouraged by God's Word and am learning a lot from each study. Below is a memory verse from the other night when we looked at King Asa and when he prayed to God for victory over an enemy of more than a million soldiers.

 "There is no one holy like the Lord, indeed, there is no one besides You, nor is there any rock like our God." - 1 Samuel 2:2

Saturday morning sports and marching practice
Saturday morning sports and marching practice
I take each day as it comes, not really knowing what it will bring, but trusting in the Lord for everything. The computer classes at the school are still going well as are the Sunday meetings which is a blessing. I'm thankful the weather is still a reasonable temperature and my health is doing fine. I pray that I may maintain my zeal for the Lord and for His Word.

1 comment:

  1. Good to hear how the Lord is working in you and through you Daniel and that you have remained healthy! Keep up the good work!
