Monday 18 September 2017

Leaving the Children's Home

The last few days have been very busy with trying to get everything organised before leaving the children's home. But they have been a real blessing as I've had some good opportunities to really encourage the children in living for the Lord. I can see real fruit in their lives as they begin to truly understand how God loves each one of them and it shows through their actions. I taught them a new song which is linked to one of their memory verses and they love to sing it. Below is the verse used in the song.

"Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path." - Psalm 119:105

Celebrations at opening the new rooms
Celebrations at opening the new rooms
Over the last two years Raju has been slowly building a new girls dormitory and bathroom on-top of the dinning hall as the current rooms don't have enough space for all the girls. On Sunday it was finally officially opened and everyone was very excited. There are two new rooms, one is for the girls to sleep in and the other is for storing their bags and doing homework in. There are 34 new beds in the room which will be able to accommodate the majority of the girls. I'm thankful that I was able to help with some of the costs of getting the new beds as I'm sure they will be put to good use.

Inside one of the new rooms for the girls
Inside one of the new rooms for the girls

We finished our Bible studies in Ruth last week and all the children seem to really enjoyed it. Several of the girls told me how they now want to live like Ruth, in setting the Lord first in their lives. At the final Sunday youth meeting we looked at two topics, the significance of water baptism and eternal security in that we are once saved, always saved. I've taken studies previously on baptism so it was only a short overview this time because several of the youth are taking baptism on this coming Tuesday which is great. I felt that teaching on once saved, always saved was very important as some of them were asking questions relating to it during the week.

The last night with the children
The last night with the children

On Sunday night I said the final goodbye. I showed all the children the photos that I had taken over the last three months and really encouraged them to stay strong in following the Lord. I then gave each one of them a small thank you card with their name and a short message on it and a photo of them with me. Everyone was very sad but very thankful for the time I spent with them. I now have a large stack of thank you letters from all the children.

I'm now in a hotel in Bangalore as tomorrow morning I fly over to meet up with Keith on the other side of India. Very thankful to the Lord for the wonderfully fruitful time I had at the children's home and that my health has remained good. Already planning to visit again next year Lord willing. Looking forward to what the Lord has in store for me over the next two week.