Wednesday 30 August 2017

Examples of God's Grace - Part 3

When looking back over the past week that the Lord has given there is much to be thankful for. I give thanks for the Lord's care over each of these children's lives, in how He keeps them safe from all the dangers around them, how His word is able to be regularly brought forth to challenge their hearts and draw them closer to Himself. I've noticed how the same sinful nature that is seen in New Zealand is also seen here, the same disobedience, the same problems, even if they are disguised differently, for we face the same enemy all the world over. 

Deepika (9) and her older sister Kruthika (12) skipping together
Deepika (9) and her older sister Kruthika (12) skipping together
It is a privilege to be able to teach these children God's word and to show them Christ's character daily. Not only that but to become close friends with them is a real joy. The above picture is of two lovely girls called Deepika and Kruthika who are sisters. Everyday they have such a big simile on their face and love to talk with me. They have a father, mother and a baby sister living in a village about 1 hour away from Hunsur. However since they are very poor, not only the living conditions are rough but there is no hope to be able to afford education for the kids. As the father would have a hard manual labouring job but only earn less than $5 NZD per day. 

Education for each child costs around $200 NZD per year which includes uniform and books. So being able to have them stay at the Bethel Children's Home and attend the school is a real blessing for them. In addition to the better quality of life they are given, the real opportunity comes from being able to teach them God's word which they would otherwise not be exposed to. Recently Deepika memorised 5 memory verses so I bought her a skipping rope (which only cost 80c) as a prize. I've never seen someone so happy over such a small prize, it was a real joy to be able to share in it.

Sahanna (10), the older sister of Sandya
Sahanna (10), the older sister of Sandya
In our evening bible studies we've been looking at the life of Elijah and Elisha which have been a real blessing. It's incredible to read when Elijah found Elisha plowing the field with oxen and as I look out the window while I'm typing this I can see men working in the field doing the exact same thing Elisha was doing, plowing the field with oxen, some 3000 years later and nothing has changed. The below verse is when Elisha tells Elijah three times that he has a real desire to follow him, may we have the same desire to follow the Lord Himself.

'Elijah said to Elisha, "Stay here please, for the LORD has sent me as far as Bethel." But Elisha said, "As the LORD lives and as you yourself live, I will not leave you." So they went down to Bethel.'  - 2 Kings 2:2

A closed off bridge covered in mist right next to a raging waterfall
A closed off bridge covered in mist right next to a raging waterfall
On Tuesday myself, Raju and his son Emmanuel went on a day trip two hours west of Hunsur to a place called Madikeri in the Kodagu district. It's a place where there is very high rainfall as it's surrounded by mountains. We visited a huge raging waterfall called Abbey Falls and as it was considered the rainy season it was quite the sight to see.

Over the past week it has been raining quite a bit which makes drying clothes and getting around quite difficult. However I continue to thank the Lord for good health, the opportunity to be useful in teaching at the school during the day, and being able to prepare and present His word in the evenings to the children. Praise the Lord.