Wednesday 6 September 2017

Bind us Together Lord

The past week has been busy but fruitful. I'm thankful that I can be well used at the school during day with teaching various subjects and to have the opportunity to bring forth God's word daily. It's a real blessing to be here in India and to serve the Lord in this way. I've grown strong friendships with most of the children so no doubt it will be hard to say goodbye when the time comes.

The assembly that we meet with on a Sunday morning gather together in a large room next to the school in Hunsur. The breaking of bread meeting is done in a simple manner as the Lord requested with Kannada hymns being sung, a few brothers sharing verses, and a time of prayer. Once the breaking of bread meeting has finished Raju brings forth a message from God's word while a Sunday school class is taken for children under 10 and I take a youth meeting for those under 18. There are around 70 people that attend the Hunsur meeting regularly and on the first Sunday of the month they all have a shared lunch together. This is quite a significant event culturally as there are people from different background or 'castes' that normally wouldn't associate together but here they recognise they are one in Christ.

Enjoying the shared lunch at the Hunsur Assembly
Enjoying the shared lunch at the Hunsur Assembly
I've been quite busy at the school during the day as the students have their mid-year exams starting next week and there is a lot to do to help the kids prepare for them. In our evening bible studies at the home we're looking at the book of Daniel this week and how to remain faithful to the Lord in times of testing. It's incredible to read how Daniel and his friends were put under immense pressure to conform to the Babylonian way of life but yet they remained faithful to the Lord and experienced remarkable blessings.

Nebuchadnezzar responded and said, “Blessed be the God of Shadrach, Meshach and Abed-nego, who has sent His angel and delivered His servants who put their trust in Him, violating the king’s command, and yielded up their bodies so as not to serve or worship any god except their own God. - Daniel 3:28

The above video is of the children at the home singing before the school bus arrives. The words of the hymn are: "Bind us together Lord, bind us together with love."

I've now got less than two weeks left here with the children in Hunsur and then I leave to meet up with Keith on the other side of India. There will no doubt be many opportunities to teach God's word and I hope the Lord will work through me to minister to the needs of His people effectively

Unfortunately I've come down with a sore throat which started yesterday and has gotten worse today which is making things difficult. But Lord willing I will be strengthen to finish the task He's given me to do.