Friday 14 July 2017

Continuing the Work - Part 2

It's truly a privilege to able to be apart of these children's lives. To share with them in times of gladness and to comfort them in times of sadness. It's difficult to think about them not having a mother to embrace when they have a bad day or a father to tell their achievements to. But praise be to the Lord who loves and cares about each individual child. I pray that they would learn to trust Him more.

"You will keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on You, because he trusts in You." - Isaiah 26:3

It's a blessing to be able to take the evening bible studies at the children's home each night. 70+ children aged 5-16 years old and each one of them eager to learn from God's Word. This week we've been studying the miracles of Jesus Christ: Jesus heals a sick man (John 5:1-17), Jesus feeds five thousand (John 6:1-15), Jesus stills the storm (Luke 8:22-25), and Jesus heals a blind man (Luke 18:35-43). Next week we're planning to study the life of Peter. Each night I prepare a slideshow of pictures detailing the events of the story, the main points from the lesson, and a memory verse which is all translated into both Kannada and Hindi.

Evening Bible Studies - The children are keen to learn
Evening Bible Studies - The children are keen to learn
Monday through to Friday the children are at school from 9am-5pm plus a half day on Saturday. I catch the school bus with all the kids to and from school, that in its self is quite the adventure. I help the teachers at the school take different lessons, such as English, science, maths, etc. Both the teachers and students really enjoy it when I take the lesson as they are not use to hearing fluent spoken English. I plan to teach the students computer lessons from next week as there is a room with a few computers in it that are just about all setup.

Each day after school I play soccer with the boys on the school field as we wait for the bus. There is a sports day coming up soon so lots of the kids are practicing different sports, such as a popular Indian tag game called Kabaddi.

The average temperature is a comfortable 25 degrees each day. My health is good and there is a lot to be thankful to the Lord for. I appreciate your prayers as I continue the Lord's work here in India.

1 comment:

  1. Thinking of you Daniel, and of course, praying for you! Glad to hear nothing was missing from your luggage, and you are in good health.
    Sounds like you will have variety in your teaching, especially as you start with Computing! It's a joy to have such responsive students.
    We've just returned from a short holiday in Darwin, so appreciate your comment about the moderate temperatures - may they continue!
    Regards, Doug and Marion
