Tuesday 18 July 2017

Continuing the Work - Part 3

The past week has been busy with teaching at the school during the day, preparing bible studies for the evenings and teaching on Sunday morning. However it's been a great blessing to be able to serve the Lord in this way. 

I'm thankful to be able to see God working in these children's lives each day and how He provides for their every need. We've started up a youth group at the Hunsur assembly and last Sunday was the first meeting. It was great to see the large number of young people keen and ready to learn from God's word. It's a great opportunity to share specific teaching directed at encouraging and challenging their age group. We looked at Colossians 3:12-17 on how a Christian should be living and acting. I also shared my testimony and looked in detail about the topic of water baptism. Everyone was very thankful and encouraged by it. Praise the Lord for His grace in giving me the right words to speak.

A packed room full of youth for the Sunday Youth Group
A packed room full of youth for the Sunday Youth Group

At times it's difficult to serve these children and to love them as the Lord does. Unfortunately as with all children there is sin buried in their heart and it shows out at times in disobedience. Whether it's fighting, saying mean things to each other, gossiping or disrespecting the things they have been given. It hurts to see it happening and challenging to know what to do about it. But I pray that the Lord may give me eyes to see these children the way He sees them and a heart which loves them unconditionally.

The girls dressed in their best clothes for the Sunday morning meeting
The girls dressed in their best clothes for the Sunday morning meeting

I'm thankful to the Lord for each day that I can spend in India surrounded by these children. It feels as if the days here move more slowly than in New Zealand. It could be because there are no worldly distractions around or the continual thought of work at the back of the mind. But I really notice I can take time aside to appreciate my surroundings, like the incredible nature all around and to be able to spend quality time with God in His Word and in prayer.

For the next blog update I plan to record in detail some of the children's backgrounds and how the Lord has brought them to the children's home in Hunsur as I think it would be really interesting.

Praise the Lord that I am still in good health and that the weather is not too hot.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Daniel,

    Wishing you all well. Philippians 4:13. Sincerely praying,


