Wednesday 5 July 2017

Arriving in India

Praise be to the Lord for opening up another opportunity to visit India and further His work there.
The purpose of this blog is to record my experiences while in India, report on the work the Lord is doing there and to encourage others in their walk with Him. 

"But prove yourselves doers of the word … one who looks intently at the perfect law, the law of liberty, and abides by it, not having become a forgetful hearer but an effectual doer, this man will be blessed in what he does  … pure and undefiled religion in the sight of our God and Father is this: to visit orphans and widows in their distress, and to keep oneself unstained by the world." - James 1:22-27

Lord Willing I will be staying at Hunsur for the next two and a half months, helping in the orphanage by taking evening bible studies and teaching English at the school. In mid September I plan to join up with Keith Simpson and journey around east India while preaching God's word wherever possible.

The journey from New Zealand all the way over to Hunsur was very long and tiring. It included a 15 hour flight with a short stop over in Kuala Lumpur, then a 4 hour bus ride from Bangalore to Mysore and finally a 40 minute car ride to Hunsur.  

Unfortunately the airline left my luggage behind in Malaysia but Lord Willing it will be sent out to Hunsur in a day or two. 

Flying into Malaysia - A sea of lights
Flying into Malaysia - A sea of lights

Upon arriving in India you get a strange sense that you are very much a foreigner and you begin to depend on the Lord for everything. I wasn't sure if it was the 30 degree extremely humid heat, dust, loud noises, or crazy taxi driving in Bangalore but I began to have bad stomach pains only a few hours after landing. Then after a restless night in the hotel I was on the bus to Mysore. I still can't get over how much of a culture shock India is, I could people watch for days. 

When arriving at Mysore bus station it was extremely chaotic with people and buses literally everywhere. Thankfully Raju managed to pick me up without any issues. It was great to see Raju, Shanthi and their youngest son Samuel again and they were very happy to see me.

Bus trip from Bangalore to Mysore
Bus trip from Bangalore to Mysore - Traffic on the roads
We arrived at Hunsur at around 5pm so I had some time to freshen up before the children got home from the school. As the school bus pulled up all the children were very excited and happy to see me again. I was great to see how much they had grown in a year and a half. As I looked around at the children I noticed there were quite a lot of new faces which is great. 

I'm very thankful to the Lord for His goodness in bringing me back to this wonderful place. I'm excited to once again share God's word with these precious children and to show them the character of Christ. 
At the Children's Home
"How many of you remember Daniel?" - At the Children's Home
I'm feeling much better now after a good nights rest, a nice shower and a very well cooked meal. My bag still hasn't shown up yet but I'm hoping it will this afternoon. The weather is a very nice 27 degrees with a light breeze. I plan to head to the school tomorrow and start teaching English.

To read my previous journey's blog visit:

1 comment:

  1. Daniel,

    God be with you and bless your ministry in India. You are an inspiration to all of us at Mission Hall. We will be praying for you.
