Wednesday 4 October 2017

Traveling Andhra Pradesh - Part 2

My last week in India had some real testing times to my faith as it was physically challenging but there was also times of great spiritual blessings in seeing the genuine faith of other believers and there love for the Lord.

We left Job's place in Vijayawada on Monday night (25th) and caught a sleeper train down to a city called Nandyal which is just before Banaganapalli where Emmanuel's father Solomon lives. All of this was quite a new experience for me but I was thankful I had Keith with me as he knew what to do.

About to catch a 5 hour train from Vijayawada to Nandyal
Catching a 5 hour train from Vijayawada to Nandyal
We stayed at a hotel in Nandyal during the week as each day we were taken out to visit various assemblies around the area. The assemblies were up to two hours drive away on the worse kind of roads imaginable while sitting in an extremely packed out van full of people. Everyone we visited was very excited to see us and also very thankful for the encouragement and teaching we were able to give. Some of the assemblies were quite small with around 20-30 people while others were packed out with over 100 people. Keith spoke of various topics ranging from the Mount of Olives, Abraham's eyes, Foundations and Wells while I had a few opportunities to share my testimony of how the Lord's grace has reached into my life.

Visiting assemblies around Nandyal
Visiting assemblies around Nandyal - 1

Visiting assemblies around Nandyal - 2
Visiting assemblies around Nandyal - 2

Keith teaching outside in the dark to around 100 people
Keith teaching outside in the dark to around 100 people
On Saturday morning we headed down to Banaganapalli to meet up with Emmanuel and Job as there was a three day youth conference organised for all the believers in the area. When we arrived we had to officially open two new bedrooms where we would be staying by cutting a ribbon and singing songs. After being introduced to a multitude of people in the searing 33 degree heat we all gathered together inside the meeting hall and started the conference. 

Overall it was a very profitable time learning from God's word and everyone really appreciated us being there. I gave two addresses, one on 'The two big catches of Peter', looking at Luke 5:1-11 and John 21:3-17, and the other one on the prayer life of the prophet Daniel. Keith taught on the characters of Joseph, Jonah, Ruth and Timothy.

Emmanuel talking at the Youth Conference in Banaganapalli
Emmanuel talking at the Youth conference in Banaganapalli
Around 150-200 people attended the 3 day Youth Conference
Around 150-200 people attended the 3 day Youth Conference
On Monday afternoon (2nd October) the conference finished up and we were taken north by car to a large city called Hyderabad where we were to fly out at midnight. The car ride was a scary 5 hours long on Indian roads and at the end of it Keith told me that he was praying all the way because there were so many close calls. But by the Lord's grace we managed to get onto the right flight to Malaysia. We said our goodbyes as Keith was traveling onwards to Myanmar for two weeks and I was flying back to New Zealand. 

I'm now back home in Auckland, NZ. There is quite a bit of adjusting needed but I'm slowing getting back into the daily routines here. I'm thankful to the Lord that I was able to get my job back at the English School, so I start back there on Monday full time. There is a lot to reflect back on over the last three months as the Lord has taught me a huge amount. I have really enjoyed my time in India and would love to return one day soon but for now I need to get my health back right.

Praise the Lord.

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