Tuesday 12 September 2017

The Last Week at Hunsur

This is the last week that I'll be spending at the Children's Home in Hunsur as from Monday, Lord willing, I'll be catching a bus to Bangalore then a flight over to Vijayawada, East India to meet up with Keith Simpson. We will then spend the next two weeks visiting various believers, different assemblies and a youth conference in the aim to build up and encourage others in their faith in the Lord. I'm a bit nervous about this upcoming two weeks planned with Keith as it will be my first time doing anything like it but with the Lord's strength and Keith's help I'm sure it will be a blessing to me.

Raju and his wife Shanthi who run the Children's Home in Hunsur
The children's home in Hunsur was started by Raju and his wife Shanthi 17 years ago. Their aim was to provide and care for orphan children and to show them the way of salvation through the Lord Jesus Christ. However over time they have also accepted children who do have parents but are in very difficult situations, such as broken families, poverty or abuse. They have seen the Lord's hand of provision and grace over the years in providing for all of the children's needs and keeping them safe from the dangers that surround them. There has been real spiritual fruit shown in the children's lives as many of them have come to saving faith in the Lord and continue to live for Him. It's a real blessing to be apart of the Lord's work here and to see His grace being shown out daily.

Last Sunday afternoon I organised a Bible study quiz for all the children. They had been asking for it for a while. The quiz had 20 questions from the different topics that we've covered in our evening bible studies over the last 4 weeks. It was encouraging to see that everyone really enjoyed it and many knew most of the questions which was surprising because I made some of the questions really tough.

The children sitting in groups for the Bible study quiz
The children sitting in groups for a Bible study quiz
This week for our evening bible studies we are looking at the book of Ruth which I hope will be an encouraging time for all. On Monday and Tuesday I took an older boys and then an older girls only study which we looked at specific responsibilities that God has given to men and women. We then discussed how to add this into our everyday lives. Everyone really appreciated the messages.

For the last three Sunday youth meetings we have been looking at end times from the book of Revelation. I used a powerpoint presentation which had a lot of material detailing the rapture and tribulation events as well as the marriage supper of the Lamb. Overall it was a real time of blessing as many of the youth were really encouraged by the talks and told me that they hadn't heard much of the end times before.

"Let us rejoice and be glad and give the glory to Him, for the marriage of the Lamb has come and His bride has made herself ready. ... Blessed are those who are invited to the marriage supper of the Lamb." - Revelation 19:7 & 9

I'm thanking the Lord for His grace being shown in every area of my life. My health appears to be better than it was last week which is great but still praying that I'll be kept strong over the next three weeks that I'm here in India.

Praise the Lord.

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